Welcome to Aerial Grace
at Exhale
Jion Studios in Ripon
Aerial Grace yoga incorporates low-hanging silk fabrics to enhance and support your yoga practice. We blend traditional yoga postures with the artistry of aerial techniques.
The silks provide full support, allowing you to lie down completely, much like being in a hammock, or you can wrap them around specific body parts for added stability.
Typically, you will have either your hands or feet on the ground for additional support, but you’ll also enjoy the unique sensation of having your entire body cradled by the hammock, creating an extraordinary anti-gravity experience!
Suspending your body or specific body parts is thought to create gentle traction, allowing for a more intuitive and soothing opening of your body compared to traditional mat practice. The silks are incredibly beneficial for improving balance and can help you access postures that you might find challenging on the mat alone.
While many aerial yoga classes incorporate acrobatic elements, several of our sessions focus on the therapeutic benefits of the silks. At the beginning and end of each class, you’ll have the opportunity to relax fully, cocooned in the hammocks, for the ultimate experience of tranquility.
The versatility and support of the fabric enable practitioners to explore new movements with ease. It also alleviates strain on the wrists and knees, which can sometimes restrict mobility in traditional floor-based practices.
At the conclusion of each class, you’ll be securely supported as you invert in the hammock. This anti-gravity inversion offers significant benefits for your spine, promoting postural ease as your body decompresses. Aerial Grace yoga is not only a fun way to build confidence and boost endorphins, but it also opens the door to a whole new realm of yoga experiences!
What Is Aerial Grace?
Aerial Grace yoga incorporates low-hanging silk fabrics to enhance and support your yoga practice. We blend traditional yoga postures with the artistry of aerial techniques.
What Should I Bring?
All the equipment required for Aerial Grace is provided, just bring a water bottle!
What Should I Wear?
Just wear something comfortable, just like normal yoga.
How Long Are The Classes?
Classes are 60 minutes.